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Creating Global Indicators

The Global Indicator Library acts as a centralised hub for your organisations standardised indicators, enabling easy aggregation of project-level data and a unified approach to indicator management. With this feature Organisation Admins can define and customise indicator sets that can be made available to selected projects across the Platform. Here is how it works

Creating a standard indicator set

On the left- hand panel, navigate to the Global Indicator tab and select it to open. To begin creating a standard indicator, select the ‘standard indicator sets’ button. 

Each standard indicator is organised into a standard indicator set. Before creating individual standard indicators, a corresponding standard indicator set must be created first. To add a new standard indicator set, select the green “Add new standard indicator set” button. 

Next, enter the name of your standard indicator set and a description, if necessary, then select ‘Save’. 

Your new standard indicator set will appear at the bottom of your list and is now ready to be filled with the related standard indicators. The description of the indicator set can be seen by hovering over the standard indicator set name. 

Standard indicator sets which are no longer in use can be archived by selecting the three dots on the right hand side of the standard indicator set. If an indicator has not yet been pushed or pulled to a project for use, it can also be deleted. 

All archived indicator sets can be viewed by switching on the standard indicator toggle. 

Creating standard indicators in a standard indicator set

To add standard indicators, open the standard indicator set by selecting its name. 

The standard indicator set details page will open. Here the name and description of the indicator set can be amended. Next, select the ‘standard indicators in this set’ tab.

There are two options to add standard indicators. These can be either imported in bulk or added individually to the standard indicator set. To add indicators in bulk, follow this user guide here

To manually add indicators, begin by selecting the ‘add new standard indicator’ button.

In the pop up, name your new standard indicator, define the format of the indicator and the direction of progress. Select ‘save’.

The indicator will now be added to your indicator list. To add more information, select the indicator. 

In the standard indicator details tab, additional information can be added such as a standard indicator number, a description, or reporting frequency. This information can be locked when selecting the lock icon related to each element. This means that no other team members can change the information in the indicator. 

Disaggregations can also be linked to standard indicators. Select the ‘Link disaggregations types’ to reveal a dropdown with all created disaggregations. 

Your standard indicator is now ready to be added to a project!

Assigning Indicator to a Project

In the indicator library select the ‘Add to project’ button

Select the indicator set from the dropdown and decide to either push all indicators that belong to this set, by checking the ‘Add to the list below all standard indicators from selected set’ check box, or use the dropdown menu to specify the indicators you wish to push to your project (or workspace)

Select add indicators to list

Mark if the indicator set is an aggregated indicator by selecting the check box. Aggregated indicators will allow the indicator to pull data from contributing indicators within and across projects. 

Select the corresponding project from the drop down. You can select multiple projects.

Select save and confirm the pushing of indicators to the project level. 

Once the standardised indicator has been pushed to its target/intended workspace/project, the indicator will appear under the non-classified section of your indicator workflow, drag and drop it under the appropriate result framework level. 

Data can now be added to the standard indicator in the same manner as any other indicator created on the platform. 

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