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2021 – TolaData Release Notes

16 November 2021


  • Users can now choose to include empty rows in calculations when adding collected data.
  • Warning messages to remind users to save data before navigating away from a page added across the entire platform.
  • Indicator list and collected data list now displays baseline value and unit of measure if available.
  • Removed option to add disaggregation data for % indicators using ratio formula as this is not relevant and was confusing for users.


  • Fixed issue where the user name was not being stored when new collected data items were added.
  • Corrected issue with calculation of ratio formula in collected data
  • Adjusted warning messages to make them clearer to users
  • Removed trailing zeros from indicator target and baseline.
  • Corrected error for conditions in collected data

2 November 2021

New features:

  • Disaggregation values on aggregated indicators: you can now display the results of aggregated indicators, disaggregated by a selected disaggregation type. These will automatically display all the results from the existing data once you link a disaggregation type to the aggregated indicator.
  • Portuguese added as a language option


  • Added a back button in the datatables section to easily move back to the list of all data tables.
  • Added last updated date for qualitative indicators
  • Added % symbol, to percentage values in CSV exports to assist in usability


  • Corrected issue where formulas for percentage calculations with a ratio formula were multiplying by 100 and displaying incorrect values.
  • Fixed issue with deletion of WFL1s not working
  • Corrected permissions in various sections, in particular in relation to who can delete certain items.
  • Corrected issue in datatables where imported data that was a URL was not displaying correctly
  • Various small fixes to the KoBo integration
  • Other small bug fixes across the platform

15 September 2021


  • Ability to move elements in a Results Framework: the parent element is now displayed when you edit a results framework element and can be changed to move that element and any below it to a new position.
  • Aggregation of aggregate indicators: following our release of the new aggregated indicator feature we have now added the possibility to aggregate already aggregate indicators up to 10+ levels. This includes warnings if a user creates a circular reference or double inclusion (where an indicator will be double counted as it is already part of another linked aggregate indicator)
  • Last updated date on indicators: in the indicator list view the last updated date for the collected data of that indicator is now displayed so users can easily see where new data and changes have been made.
  • Sort filter on collected data: collected data list can now be sorted by any of the columns
  • Disaggregation data validation: when users have added disaggregation data and it does not add up to the value of the collected data total they will get a warning to confirm this is correct.


  • Formatting of form description is now displayed correctly in the webform.
  • Corrected issue where achieved value on percentage indicators was displaying multiplied by 1000 when data was pulled from a data table.
  • Fixed issue where the public dashboard URL created when a dashboard was first generated needed to be reset before it would work

19 August 2021


  • Project/WFL1 Details in the Navigation Bar: users can now get directly to the details screen of the active project from the left hand navigation bar. 
  • Collected data list: is sorted by the collected date field in descending order by default
  • Disaggregation data validation: users get a warning message if disaggregation data does not match collected value 
  • Import indicator template: users can also import aggregate indicators using the template. 


  • Project/WFL1 that user is working on is stored so that it remains their active project if they refresh or log out and log back in.
  • Fixed issue where deleting an indicator didn’t persists and the indicator would reappear.
  • Fixed issue where previously selected projects and indicators were not displayed when users edit a dashboard widget.

4 August 2021

New Features:

  • Merge of Portfolios with Projects
    • you can now aggregate results from different indicators, like you did with portfolios, at the project level. When you create a new project indicator, you have the option to make it an aggregating indicator which will combine results from contributing indicators that are linked to it.
    • All existing portfolios have been migrated to the new structure. You’ll see them in your project list tagged as “Portfolios”. This merge of portfolios into projects means you will be able to use all the project features for your portfolios such as result frameworks, non-aggregated indicators, activities, documents and team permissions management.
    • In dashboards all the widgets for portfolio indicators have been migrated to be project indicators widgets
  • Sharing of data between projects: to aggregate results from one project in the indicators of another project, first the contributing project must be shared with the lead project. This is done on the new sharing tab of projects. Only indicators from a project that has been shared with the lead project can be linked as contributing indicators to an aggregated indicator.
  • Custom groups for projects: to help you organise your different projects, we’ve created the new feature “Groups” that you can customise. By default, a group called “Portfolios” has been created. This is where you will find your old portfolios that we’ve migrated to the project data structure. Org Admins can rename this group and create your own groups in the Admin Console. 
  • Filters on the project list: you can now apply filters to your list of project projects by group, country or implementation status. 


  • Warning message if you have unsaved data: when user navigates away from the indicators page without saving they will get  warning message


  • Language selection: this is now stored so that every time you log in the language selected in your profile is retained.
  • Various small fixes to the UI to improve the layout
  • Fixed the issue where sometimes the invite user button wasn’t shown in the Admin Console.

29 June 2021


  • Dashboards: users have the option to display the indicator number with the indicator name in charts and when selecting indicators in the widget modal the indicator number can be used to search.
  • A warning message has been added to all pages to remind user to save changes before clicking away


  • Indicators: increased indicator description field character length
  • Results framework: fixed issue with the sort field scrolled endlessly.
  • IATI – Admin console: corrected issue where “contact info type” field for IATI orgs was not displaying data
  • Approval task notification: corrected the URL in the notification emails  to direct approvers to the platform
  • Various small fixes across the platform.

2 June 2021

New features

  • Qualitative indicators: a new option to create indicators that are for qualitative data only. These indicators have no target or quantitative elements and can be used to report qualitative information.
  • Indicator status: indicators now have a new field called “Status” in which users can mark the indicator as Partially achieved, Mostly achieved, Achieved or Not achieved.
  • KoBo and ONA token management: there is a new section on the User Profile page where users can update their KoBo and ONA tokens and also have the option to add multiple KoBo tokens if they use KoBo services from more than one provider.
  • Pull disaggregation data from multiple columns: when adding collected data using pull from data tables, users now have the option to calculate disaggregation results where the disaggregated data is held in multiple columns in the dataset.


  • Indicators targets: this field is no longer mandatory so it is possible to have an indicator without a target
  • Collected data: character limit for notes has been increased to 5000 and display count of the number of collected data items for each indicator.
  • Subscription details: Org Admins can now see full details of their subscription, including number of licenses and next billing date, in the Admin Console.
  • User management: when adding new users, organisations will get a warning if they have already used all available licenses and will not be able to add more users than they have paid for in their subscription.


  • CSV Export fixes: Corrected issue where baseline values that were left blank were defaulting to 0. Also fixed exports to recognise French special characters.

28 April 2021

New features

  • Bulk import of indicators: it is now possible to import indicators to an indicator plan using an excel template. 


  • Satellite and street view on maps: improvements to our maps across the platform to allow satellite views and more detailed street views.
  • Dashboard public URL: users can now choose to retain the existing URL or update/change the URL for a dashboard for extra security. The URL can still also be switched on and off to control when the public dashboard is accessible.
  • Added pagination to list of projects added to a portfolio
  • Changed the sorting in the data tables list to use the date the table was imported / created


  • Various small fixes to the IATI export files

15 April 2021


  • Ability to edit document URLs: when a URL has been added in any document section, users can now edit the document name and the URL.
  • Notes section on sites: there is a new section on sites to add free text, URLs and images.
  • Additional features on maps: all maps now have details as far as street name level and the option to switch to satellite view.
  • Additional features on dashboards:
    • Option to display the description on the widget (instead of via a tooltip)
    • Ability to display images next to each other horizontally in a text and image widget
    • Added “do not display target” option to the disaggregation bar chart 
    • Added additional information in the tooltip when you hover over the chart bars (for % achieved chart, the absolute actual value is displayed; for total vs actuals bar chart the % achieved value is displayed)
    • The public dashboard link is deactivated by default, users must choose to make it active.


  • Fix issue where editing the name of a data table was not saved
  • Made the description tooltip available on public dashboard widgets.

31 March 2021

New features:

  • Disaggregation Type Archive: following the release of our new disaggregation management features two weeks ago we have added the ability to archive a disaggregation type. This doesn’t affect anywhere where the disaggregation type is already in use but prevents it from being linked to any other indicators. 


  • Further cleanup and enhancements to the disaggregation management feature.
  • Fixed issue where new approval types on activities were not displaying after saving.
  • Change indicator description field to multi-line text
  • Optimisation of loading for large indicator sets

11 March 2021

New features:

  • Disaggregation Management Upgrade: we have changed the way disaggregation types are created and added to indicators. There is a new section at the project level (WFL1) where you can create and edit disaggregation types. On each indicator, you now link only the disaggregation types that are relevant to that indicator. This means that only relevant disaggregation types will be offered to users when they are adding collected data for an indicator. 


  • Fixed issues where approval types were not displaying after been added in the admin console.
  • Changed indicator description field to be multiline text

23 February 2021

New features:

  • IATI Reporting Features: with this deployment, we add the “IATI Switch” which can be turned on for clients who do IATI reporting. This provides additional IATI specific fields for projects, indicators and in the admin console, as well as data exports designed to meet IATI reporting requirements. More information can be found here: https://www.toladata.com/international-aid-transparency-initiative-iati/ 


  • The character limit for URLs when linking documents has been removed.
  • The “Copy widget” option in dashboards has been hidden until we deploy this feature.

21 January 2021

New features:

  • NEW! Custom reporting periods: It is now possible to set up custom reporting periods for your projects to align with your donors and log frames. TolaData already offers reporting periods by standard calendar months (such as annual periods from 1 January to 31 December) but now you can create your own, for example, an annual period from 1 July to 30 June. This makes monitoring against targets and reporting your results as required by your donors even easier.

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