custom solutions

Consultancy services for your organisation and projects

Tailored M&E Consultancy to provide advice and support for your project monitoring design and implementation

In addition to our configurable software and custom developments, we offer tailor-made M&E consultancy services to support your specific project and M&E requirements.

We are experienced at working with our clients to understand their needs and deliver customised consultancy and solutions to help design, improve and implement your M&E systems and activities.

Our team has a wide range of expertise to advise and support you in your monitoring activities.

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Consultancy on M&E System development

We can provide consultancy and support to develop your project specific indicators and create your Results Framework, as well as proposing how best to design your monitoring processes to meet your objectives efficiently and effectively. We can also assist in the design of your Theory of Change so your M&E framework aligns with your objectives for monitoring, impact measurement, reporting and donor requirements, as well as learning and communication to your wider stakeholders and public.

Consultancy on Data Set Up and Structure

We can support your data set up from the ground up at all levels in TolaData to perfectly fit your specific programmatic structure and organisation. This includes support in system configuration, designing the data structure and process flow in TolaData based on specific project and M&E needs, advising on how to use TolaData within your teams, developing customized user materials, as well as project and change management support. Further, for more complex M&E systems our consultants can provide advice on how to use TolaData’s aggregation and calculation features. We also advise on further application possibilities of TolaData such as grant management, expert management and partner assessments.


Digital Consultancy on M&E System Implementation

For your M&E System implementation we offer services to develop survey collection methods, sampling strategies, methods of calculation and analysis, and questionnaire and focus group design, all making use of digital tools. We can help you ensure your management of data collection and data quality, as well as calculation and analysis, are robust and fit for purpose for your reporting requirements.

Our Consultants have a great track record in delivering tailor-made consultancy support on digital M&E at each stage, from establishing M&E systems, training and implementation, and supporting the analysis and reporting.

Our Consultants have a great track record in delivering tailor-made consultancy support on digital M&E at each stage, from establishing M&E systems, training and implementation, and supporting the analysis and reporting.

To learn more, please contact us here to discuss further:

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The TolaBrief Newsletter

A monthly round-up of news and useful links on the digitisation of the sustainable development sector, from the team at TolaData

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