The Sino-German Agricultural Centre:
Results Monitoring and Donor Reporting for a Bilateral Ministerial Project in China



Global Project


Total Event Participants
(in-person & online)


Attendees Broadened Their Networks

Established in 2015, the Sino-German Agricultural Centre (DCZ) serves as a hub to further technical and political exchange on agri-sector cooperation between the German and Chinese agriculture ministries. The DCZ plays a core role in the bilateral relationship between the two countries, and is cited in the German government’s new ‘Strategy on China’ as a key platform to conduct dialogue on topics of strategic interest.

Now in Phase III of the initiative (2022-25), the DCZ project employs a blend of information products and visibility-focused activities designed to promote a range of science and policy interests for German and Chinese stakeholders. The Sino-German Agricultural Week, held annually, is the DCZ flagship event that brings together high-level speakers and participants for bilateral knowledge sharing in agriculture.

TolaData was selected to facilitate indicator management, results monitoring and stakeholder reporting for the joint-ministerial project. The platform enables the DCZ team to store, manage and analyse project data in a centralised hub, thereby improving data quality and reliability, streamlining the M&E and impact measurement processes, and enhancing their communication and learning from results.

Through simplified and interactive reporting, TolaData has enabled the team to showcase project achievements and challenges in a transparent and engaging way, with the goal of fostering agricultural knowledge exchange and collaboration between German and Chinese counterparts through data-driven insights and learnings.

"TolaData provides the right mix of visual and data-driven tools to communicate on project progress – both within the team and to external stakeholders."


The Sino-German Agricultural Centre


Partnerships, Agrifood, Sustainable Rural Livelihoods & Food security


2022-2025 (Phase III)


China & Germany

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